ты «INEKO» Investment Group together with «Era Vodoleya» company launches a new investment project — Trading House «Organic Era»

«INEKO» Investment Group together with «Era Vodoleya» company launches a new investment project — Trading House «Organic Era»

«INEKO» Investment Group together with «Era Vodoleya» company launches a new investment project — Trading House «Organic Era», aimed at improving the culture of healthy nutrition through the introduction of organic products in the daily ration.
Trading House «Organic Era» is a young, energetic and growing company. We collect natural products of the highest quality from all over Ukraine and bringing them to Kiev, in our shop on the Starovokzalnaya str, 24 or deliver the products to our clients.
The Mission of «Organic Era» is to improve the culture of healthy food consumption and introduction of organic products in the daily diet, as the most valuable and environmentally safe on the market of Ukraine.
Strategic objective is to build commercial and production network, which includes in its chain of honest suppliers, producers, certified food and trade-related infrastructure, an extensive range of organic food to the population of Ukraine.

Activities in the short term is set towards tactical tasks such as:
• Improvement of an existing store of natural organic products;
• The expansion of Organic bar;
• Optimization of the consumers of the organic products;
• Promotion of informational promoting program of natural organic products;
• Development and improvement of the efficiency of the Cookbook workshop;
• Support and development of regional representations
• Collaboration with suppliers of organic products from environmentally safe regions of Ukraine.

More detailed information about services of the «Oganic Era» is available on the corporate website: http://www.organicera.com.ua

Please contact us on the build of mutually beneficial cooperation and co-development of the project:

Oleynikov Alexey
tel: +380677136571
e-mail: ooo@ineko.com
