ты INEKO Investment Group examines the possibilities of cooperation with foreign strategic investors and paint manufacturers.

INEKO Investment Group examines the possibilities of cooperation with foreign strategic investors and paint manufacturers.

On September 23, a meeting of a group of investment companies INEKO with a delegation from the largest Turkish manufacturer of paint and varnish materials company DYO took place.
The delegation took a note of the production complex factory «Lakma», economic activity of «Lakma», and also discussed the possibility of joint cooperation.
The result of the meeting can be considered as an intention of Ukrainian and Turkish companies in the mutual production and sales of paint and varnish materials. A possibility of triangular cooperation, to Dnepropetrovsk varnish and lacquer plant controlling which belongs to a group of investment companies INEKO was also discussed.
Turkey is one of those actively developing countries which, according to analysts, will identify key trends in the world economy in the post-crisis period.
Market of paintwork materials in Ukraine has prospects of production and sales. Despite the economic difficulties of a general nature, experts predict market growth through the construction and preparation facilities to Euro-2012 in Ukraine, as well as the revival of the construction sector.
Brands «Lakma» and «DLKZ», despite the decline in production, remain well-known not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.
The Turkish side has expressed interest in existing technologies of production «Lakma», its dealer network and sales. In turn, Ukrainian side became interested in DYO manufacturing and raw power assortment and in the possibility of joint investment.
As a result achieved the preliminary arrangements by developing of a model of interaction on various aspects of cooperation can be seen.
INEKO  Investment Group continues to consider the possibilities of cooperation with other strategic investors and paintwork products.
